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I can fix longer cracks upwards of 3′.
Here is an image of the 12″ crack I repaired for the customer in the video above:

The industry standard for repairable length is approximately 6″ or the size of a dollar. Many shops drill the end of a crack, with the intention of stopping it.
Canes Windshield Repair uses is a NO-DRILL System, there is no need to drill a hole. Drilling causes additional damage, is not only unneeded but contra-indicated to repair this type of damage, furthermore, drilling the end of a crack can cause the fracture to propagate in a different direction.
A crack, is simply a stone damage that has spread. Typically, the damage is near the edge of the windshield, and due to the stresses that a windshield goes through, such as heat or cold, or flexing of the car as it goes over bumps or around turns, will cause those rock chips to propagate.
Additionally, a crack is different than a normal stone chip.
A crack extends from the surface of the glass down to the plastic inner layer, which is sandwiched between two layers of glass.
Stone damages have one entry point, called the impact crater, and the damage is under the surface of the glass, like a tunnel.
Windshields are laminated glass. It is usually the outer layer that incurs the damage.
A crack is open at its surface, along its entire length. dust and dirt enter into the damage over time. The older it is, the dirtier it becomes.
The conditions required for a successful repair on a crack, is that it must be new or fairly recent and dry.
Dirt inside the crack produces a repair that shows a discolored light tan, brown, to black line.
Optically, this is unacceptable, and structurally, has less adhesive properties or strength.
The damage needs to be dry, as water will interfere with the repair process, hence, Please DON’T wash your car before your repair!! or clean the glass for for us.
We operate in the Baltimore area fixing Windshield Repair Stone Damages Stars Long Cracks